Do you know that the harmful effect of the sun is not only ultraviolet light which influences the skin? Beauticians claim that regular daily make-up and even perfume can have destructive impact under the sun rays.
Apart from allergy to the sun rays themselves (photodermatitis), allergic skin reaction can possibly be caused by the interaction of sunlight with cosmetics or fragrances. Your familiar perfume can be destroyed under the sun, and the decay products can cause allergic reactions. That’s why dermatologists recommend not to use perfume on the beach. And even the sunscreen that you apply after the perfume does not help.
In addition, it is noted that the perfumes either cause an allergic reaction, or at least increase the sensitivity of the skin in the sun.
Also, there are a few warnings about the compatibility of cosmetics and sun rays. One should never stay in the sun after a microdermabrasion or peeling of the skin. Many antibiotics also increase the sensitivity of the skin under sunlight, such as conventional analgesics or folk remedies made from St. John’s wort.
Retinoids are incompatible with the sun. Therefore, creams with retinol should be used as night care products in a hot summer night.
It is not recommended to stay in the sun after the laser treatment or laser cosmetic procedures, otherwise the skin may darken in the places exposed to the laser. After the laser, sun rays are under a ban for at least a month!