Salma Hayek has long been intriguing the journalists with the news. And finally it has been officially confirmed that there will be a new makeup line by Hayek. In August, there will be the debut sale of the new line products.
About 100 items of decorative makeup, means of skin and hair care have been scheduled for release in total and are already in production. The collection is called Nuance, and the products represent the mass-market. However, some people predicted that those had to be luxury products, alluding to the actress’s connection to the luxury market (Salma’s husband is the manager of Pinault-Printemps-Redoute, the group of luxury companies).
Salma says she just wants to create a better product and to give everyone access to the better things. When Hayek speaks about the new makeup, she knows what she speaks about. For a long time Salma herself has been a fan of good makeup and understands it perfectly well.
The fact that the makeup collection was created with the assistance and pieces of advice given by Salma’s mother, a cosmetologist by profession, inspires confidence that the new products are of high quality. Thanks to her mother, Salma has introduced in her Nuance makeup such rare ingredients as the bark of rare trees from Mexico and Brazil. This extract restores the red blood cells and acts as a powerful anti-age agent.
It is naturally a great pleasure that Salma Hayek does not only produce makeup, it is her commercial image as well.
The prices for the new products are expected to be affordable, ranging from $ 7.99 to $ 19.99. And the first sales will take place in August only in CVS so far.