You’ve probably seen green correctors, concealers, and foundation sticks in various cosmetic boutiques and supermarkets. But, there is always something that keeps you from buying those products. Most likely you simply do not know how to use the green masking products.
Why do we need green concealer?
In order to understand how the green concealers work we need to recall the color wheel. You probably have heard that on this wheel the colors which are located opposite each other make pairs. Each color pair balances, or neutralizes, each other. Green is paired with red in this wheel. Therefore, this color neutralizes red. So, a green corrector can significantly mask redness, pimples, acne, and even overly rosy cheeks.
When is the concealer not needed?
You absolutely do not need to rush to the store to buy a green concealer as soon as you notice redness. A regular foundation can deal with it just fine. You may need a special green concealer if your regular foundation can not completely mask the redness.
How to properly use the green concealer?
Basically, there are no special tricks on how to use this product. If you do everything well, then there will be no green or white spots after using the green concealer.
• Take a brush and cover only the pimple or the red area with the concealer
• Make sure to blend the edges in order to create smooth transition of color
• Cover the area with your regular foundation. It should completely cover the green color.
• A light touch of powder will not hurt. The powder will help keep your ”cover-up” stay in place and prevent smudging.
Why do we need green primer?
Green primer is a relatively new product for most of us. This is a semi-transparent makeup base, which helps the makeup stay fresh much longer. Some say that this product is even better than concealers and correctors at hiding redness. So, if you are experiencing such problem you may want to try this product, as it has been receiving very good reviews since its introduction.