Purses everywhere will soon be abuzz with vibrating mascaras. Estee Lauder announced lash-builder mascara. Shortly thereafter, Lancome announced the upcoming launch of its competing product. The race is on to introduce the first genre of vibrating mascaras to the masses. In July, Estee Lauder will launch TurboLash All Effects Motion Mascara ($30) the vibration of this battery-operated brush promises to separate lashes to avoid clumping.
Lancôme's version, Oscillation, is due out in stores this fall. The battery-powered brush vibrates 7,000 times per minute, claiming to provide 360-degree coverage around each lash. Lancôme is still working out an exact launch date and a price. It is available in two washable shades very black and blackest black and one waterproof shade very black. This mascara carries with it a battery life lasting for a minimum of 130 applications, or over four months.