Unhealthy Effects of Cosmetics

Cosmetic products are intended to enhance the look of our skin. There is a belief, however, that some beauty products are actually unhealthy rather than healthy. Geniusbeauty.com tried to find reasons behind 5 most common myths about cosmetics.

Some Lipsticks Contain Hazardous Levels of Lead

Cosmetics, Toiletries and Fragrance Association, CTFA, says this myth holds no validity. The amount of lead we could get from cosmetic products is great deal less than that we get from foods, water and air every day.

Body Sprays Cause Breast Cancer because They Contain Carcinogens and Trigger Toxins Buildup in Lymphatic Nodes of Breasts

The American Cancer Society and The National Cancer Institute declined these rumors. Lymphatic nodes get rid of toxins through kidneys and liver, not through sweat glands. There is scientific evidence that body sprays can cause only allergy and that they have nothing to do with cancer.

Some Surfactant Agents Destroy Skin

Experiments showed that sodium lauryl sulfate based products lead to increased sensitivity of skin. This agent damages the protective layer and stores in skin cells. The regular use of detergents with surfactant agents may result in dry skin, peeling skin, hair loss, pimples and dermatitis.

And while experts say they are safe in products that are washed away with water (like shampoos, body gels and foams), they still don’t recommend it for people with acne problems, dry skin or hair loss.

Preservatives in Beauty Products Are Unhealthy for Skin

Preservatives are important because they protect beauty products from bacteria. For bacteria, your cream jar is the best place to live in. Here they’ve got everything for a prosperous growth – water, nutrients (fats, proteins, carbs), oxygen for aerobes (in open jars) and the lack of oxygen for anaerobes (in closed jars).
If bacteria still make their way to a cream, for example, getting there from somebody’s finger, this may cause an allergy. Bacteria can cause infections for the skin and, especially, for the eyes.

Synthetic Coloring Agents and Aromatizers Are Unhealthy

Both synthetic and natural aromatizers may be allergic. Among coloring agents, coal tar formulas might be dangerous (black hair dyes contain these components). Though scientists gave many warnings that the components could cause health problems, no alternative to them has been found yet.