For enhancing your good looks there is nothing like the ordinary oil. Here are a few inexpensive beauty tips which will help you maintain a flawless complexion.
- In very cold weather prevent the chapping of your skin by taking a teaspoon of castor oil and mixing with it half a teaspoon of rose water. Apply on the face and neck in the night and remove it first thing in the morning.
- To counteract sun-tan, mix olive oil with equal quantity of vinegar and apply the mixture an hour before you take your bath.
- For counteracting a dry skin, soak a muslin cloth in warm olive oil and cover your face with it after making holes for the eyes and nose. Let it remain for half an hour and then wipe the face with a soft cloth. Let the face remain as it is the whole night. Next morning, wash it with warm water and splash on cold water.
- An anti wrinkle cream is made by mixing a, teaspoon of olive oil with an egg. Smoothen the face and neck with it and let it remain till the skin gets dry. Then, remove it with a piece of cotton-wool dipped in hot water to which a teaspoon of soda bicarbonate has been added.
- The best beauty mask can be made by mixing a table spoon of gram flour with one fourth teaspoon of orange peel powder, one tablespoon of beaten curd and one teaspoon of olive oil. Mix well and apply the paste to your face and neck. Let it remain till the skin starts feeling a little dry and then rub your face with your hands till it glows. Wash your face first with warm and then cold water. This removes all the,embarrassing blemishes from the skin and makes it soft and smooth.
- To improve a blemished and discolored face, first steam it for 10 minutes. Clean your face with a cleanser, wipe dry with a soft napkin and then apply a teaspoon of olive oil mixed with half a teaspoon of lime juice. Let it remain for 20 minutes, wipe with cotton wool and rub ice cube gently for five minutes over the face.
- To improve a dark and dull complexion, mix a tea spoon of gram flour to which a pinch of turmeric powder, a few drops of lime juice and half a teaspoon each of olive oil and milk has been added. Leave on for half an hour and then wash off with water.
- Improve weak nails by applying baby oil mixed with white iodine on the nails and base of cuticles every day.
- For lined and chapped lips the best remedy is to massage them daily at bedtime with baby oil.
- Brush pure castor oil on the roots of your lashes at bedtime to make them grow long and thick.
- Massage grey and wrinkled elbows every day at bed time with baby oil to make them soft and smooth.
- Massage your face and neck every night at bedtime with baby oil to make it soft, smooth, glowing.
- If the skin around your heels has become hard and cracked, scrub your heels with a stiff brush using soap generously. Then rub them nicely with pumice stone. Wash with water, wipe dry and then massage nicely with castor oil.
- To improve rough and dry complexion take a teaspoon of almond oil and mix with half a teaspoon each of cream milk and lime juice. Apply every night before going to bed both on the face and on the neck.
- An excellent cleaner for a dry skin is made by mixing yolk of an egg with half a teaspoon of olive oil and a few drops of lime juice. Apply on face and neck. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash first with warm and then with cold water.
- To cure yourself of dry, itchy skin take cod liver oil at the rate of one teaspoon a day for one whole month.
- To treat rough, dry skin around knees, elbows and heels massage these areas regularly with a paste made of salt and mustard oil.
- In the cold weather, take oil bath to prevent your body from becoming rough and dry. Put two tablespoons of olive oil in your bath water along with a few drops of your favorite Cologne. Your skin will turn soft and glowing after you have had your bath.