Lots of women use eye shadow from time to time or daily to accent eyes. But only if you apply eye shadow correctly, you can add definition to the eyes, open up the eyes and bring depth in them. At the same time, every woman should distinguish between weekday and weekend makeup. Applying eye shadow on entire lid is more appropriate for going out or for weekends. During a weekday wear a light makeup and only line your eyes with shadow. In this article you will find two ways of how to apply eye shadow correctly while you are putting on makeup.
Line Your Eyes with Eye Shadow
If on weekdays you have only five minutes to put on your makeup, the only way of applying eye shadow is just to line your eyes. This is enough to accent your eyes, and you do not need to apply the shadow on your entire lids. Choose a medium or dark shadow color, take a small, flat, angled brush and do the following:
- Stroke the brush over the eye shadow.
- Starting at the inside edge of your upper lid, bring the brush to the outer corner of the eye. While doing this, make sure, that the longest tip of the brush follows the shorter end.
Apply Eye Shadow on Entire Lid
If you have enough time for your makeup and you do not have to hurry, you can apply eye shadow on entire lid. This type of eye shadow application is appropriate for a weekend or for going out. Make sure you have light, medium and dark eye shadow shades and follow these steps:
- Dust the upper eyelids using a puff with a small amount of loose powder.
- Stroke the brush over the light eye shadow and sweep the shadow brush across your entire lid from lash line to brow.
- Cover your lower lids using a medium toned shade.
- Using a smaller brush, contour the crease of your eyelid with a dark shade.
- Stroke the lid gently with a brush to blend the shadow.
- Tone down heavy shadow using a cosmetic puff with some pressed powder gently pressed on your lid.
If you want a more dramatic line, dab the brush into a few drops of water before stroking it over the shadow. Draw the line as described above. Your shadow will feel wet, but it will dry quickly.
Tips for Eye Shadow Application
- Use only a shadow brush, while you are blending the shadow, never use fingers, because you could wipe off the shadow.
- When you have applied eye shadow on your lids, take a puff with a little pressed powder and do not forget to shake any excess powder off the puff before pressing it on your lid.
- After you have applied your eye makeup, look at yourself in the mirror and make sure to match both eyes in density.
- Never share your eye makeup tools or eye makeup with others, because this could lead to infecting.